
State Bar of Texas President, 2017-2018

G. Thomas Vick, Jr. is Board Certified in family law, he has published dozens of works on various aspects of the law and lectured widely. Vick chaired the Texas Bar Foundation Board of Trustees in 2013-2014. He served on the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors from 2005 to 2008 and the Texas Access to Justice Commission from 2006 to 2009. A former mayor of Weatherford, Vick has served as president of both the Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists and the Texas Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, as a chair of the State Bar of Texas Family Law Section, and as chair of the Supreme Court Task Force to Expand Legal Services Delivery. Vick was named the 2008 State Bar of Texas Family Law Section Outstanding Family Lawyer, given the Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists Judge Sam Emison Award, and named the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers’ Fellow of the Year in 2009. He received presidential citations for service to the State Bar in 2008 and 2012. Vick received a bachelor’s degree from Austin College in Sherman in 1977 and his J.D. from South Texas College of Law in 1981.

Approach to the practice? Here are the rules I follow:

The idea is to solve problems, not simply try cases or make motions or draft pleadings. Litigation is usually not the answer to most problems, though no one in the firm is afraid of the courtroom. A courtroom is, under most circumstances, a bad place to resolve complex human problems. Alternative dispute resolution (mediation and, sometimes, arbitration) is a valid, viable alternative to trials and should be exploited if appropriate. The children come first, but parents almost always know what is in their child's best interest.

Nastiness does not equate with effectiveness.

I tell the whole truth and expect my clients to do the same. The firm will only make complete and full disclosure. We are not interested in game-playing, half-truths or in "hiding the ball." A half-truth is a whole lie. We will not abide being lied to by our own clients.

Be judicious about the litigation process. Cost is an important factor--you can put your kids through college...or mine. Some, often much, of the cost of a divorce is in your control.

I want to determine what is fair in any particular case and seek to reach agreement in that range; if that is not possible, the case should be tried after exploring mediation.

It is our job to get the case over with as quickly and inexpensively as possible, consistent with a fair result for my client. A divorce effectively brings life to a halt and the time it takes to resolve a case should be as short as possible.

Course Director

2007 New Frontiers in Marital Property, Memphis, TN

2002 Advanced Family Law Course, Dallas, TX

2000 Marriage Dissolution Institute, Fort Worth, TX

Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists 13th Annual Trial Institute (1999), Las Vegas, NV

Assistant Course Director, Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists 11th and 12th Annual

Trial Institutes (1997, 1998), New Orleans, LA

Bar Admissions

Texas, 1981
U.S. Federal Courts, 1981


South Texas College of Law, Houston, Texas
J.D. - 1981

Austin College, Sherman, Texas
B.A. - 1977

Published Works

  1. iPad for the Family Lawyer, Advanced Family Law Course, Houston, TX, 2012
  2. Proving Separate Property, Marriage Dissolution Institute, Dallas TX, 2012
  3. Direct Examination, Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists 2012 Trial Institute, Las Vegas, NV, 2012
  4. Abuse, It?s Not Just Physical, Innovations-Breaking Boundaries in Custody Litigation, Houston, TX, 2012
  5. How to Fix Your Screw-ups, Marriage Dissolution Institute, Austin, TX, 2011
  6. Representing the Unsophisticated Client with Assets, Advanced Family Law Course, San Antonio, TX, 2010
  7. Managing Client Expectations, Marriage Dissolution Institute Boot Camp, San Antonio, TX, 2010
  8. Effective Presentation of Evidence, Advanced Family Law Course, Dallas, TX, 2009
  9. Managing Client Expectations, Family Law Basic Training, Dallas, TX, 2009
  10. Managing Client Expectations, Am. Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Mid-Year Meeting, Kauai, HI, 2009
  11. Spoliation, Advanced Family Law Course, San Antonio, TX, 2008
  12. Possession Orders, Advanced Family Law Course, San Antonio, TX, 2007
  13. Negotiation: You Can?t Try Them All, Marriage Dissolution Institute, El Paso, TX, 2007
  14. Managing Client Expectations; Trying the Property Case on a Shoestring; Top Ten Trial Tips, Nevada State Bar Family Law Course, Ely, NV, 2007
  15. International Child Issues and the Hague Convention, Advanced Family Law Course, San Antonio, TX, 2006
  16. When the Texas SPO Won?t Work, Texas Advanced Paralegal Seminar, Addison, TX, 2006
  17. Direct and Cross Examination, Family Law Basic Training, Dallas, TX, 2005
  18. Legislative Update, Associate Judge?s Conference, Austin, TX, 2005
  19. Temporary Orders, Poverty Law Conference, Austin, TX, 2005
  20. Reforming Your Client's Expectations, Legal Assistant's University, Fort Worth, TX, 2004
  21. Life of a Grievance, Advanced Family Law Course, San Antonio, TX, 2004
  22. Managing Client Expectations, Marriage Dissolution Institute, Fort Worth, TX, 2004
  23. Dealing With the Client From Hell, Advanced Family Law Course, San Antonio, TX, 2003
  24. Setting and Getting Fees, Marriage Dissolution Institute, Houston, TX, 2003
  25. Spoliation, Advanced Family Law Course, San Antonio, TX, 2001
  26. Closing the File, Marriage Dissolution Institute, Corpus Christi, TX, 2001
  27. Getting the Most Out of Your Discovery, The Ultimate Trial Notebook: Family Law, New Orleans, LA, 2000
  28. Top Ten Things in a Family Law Practice, Advanced Family Law Course, San Antonio, TX, 2000
  29. Bankruptcy In Divorce, Advanced Family Law Course, Dallas, TX, 1999
  30. Bankruptcy Meets Family Law, Univ. of TX School of Law 2nd Annual TX Marital Property Inst., Austin, TX , 1998
  31. Divorce vs. Bankruptcy--When Worlds Collide, Farm, Ranch and Agri-business Bankruptcy Inst., Lubbock, TX, 1998
  32. Jurisdiction, Advanced Family Law Course, San Antonio, TX, 1998
  33. Parent-Child Third Party Practice, Marriage Dissolution Institute, Austin, TX, 1998
  34. Recent Federal Legislation, Am. Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Mid-Year Meeting, San Juan, PR, 1998
  35. Creative Divisions of Property, Advanced Family Course, San Antonio, TX, 1997
  36. Trying a Property Case on a Shoestring, Marriage Dissolution Institute, Dallas, TX, 1997
  37. Recent Interesting Cases, College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Houston, TX, 1997


Course Director, 2002 Advanced Family Law Course, Dallas, TX

Course Director, 2000 Marriage Dissolution Institute, Fort Worth, TX

Course Director, Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists 13th Annual Trial Institute (1999), Las Vegas, NV

Assistant Course Director, Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists 11th and 12th Annual Trial Institutes (1997, 1998), New Orleans, LA

New Frontiers in Marital Property (2007), Memphis, TN

Honors and Awards

Named in 2003 to current Texas Monthly as a SuperLawyer

Named in The Best Lawyers in America 1993 to current

Named 1993 Southwest High School (Fort Worth, Texas) Distinguished Graduate

Mayor, City of Weatherford, Texas 1982-1986

Trustee, Weatherford Independent School District, 1995 - 2001

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Fellow of the Year, 2009

Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists Judge Sam Emison Award, For Significant Contributions to the Practice of Family Law in the State of Texas, 2009

Dan R. Price Award, 2008

State Bar of Texas Family Law Section Outstanding Family Lawyer, 2008

State Bar of Texas Presidential Citation for Service to the Bar, 2008

State Bar of Texas Presidential Citation for Service to the Bar, 2012

Professional Associations and Memberships

State Bar of Texas Task Force, Co-Chair, 2013 - Present

State Bar of Texas, Board of Directors, 2005 - 2008

Texas Access to Justice Commission, Commissioner, 2006 - 2009

Supreme Court Task Force to Expand Legal Services Delivery, Chair, 2006 - 2007

Family Law Section, Chair, 2004 - 2005

Family Law Section Council, Member, 1991 - 2006

Family Law Section Pro Bono Committee, Chair, 1997 - 1999

Texas Family Law Practice Manual,Editorial Committee, Member, 1991 - 1997

Texas Bar Foundation, Board of Directors, 2011 - Present

Texas Bar Foundation, Secretary-Treasurer, 2011 - 2012

Texas Bar Foundation, Sustaining Life Fellow

Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists, President, 2004 - 2005

Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists, Board Member, 1994 - 2006

Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists, Former Editor

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, National Officer: Treasurer, 2006 - 2011

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Secretary, 2003 - Present

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Parliamentarian, 2002 - Present

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Texas Chapter President, 2000 - 2001

American Bar Association, 1980 - 2008

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundation, Life Fellow

Texas Family Law Foundation, Sustaining Life Fellow

Tarrant County Family Bar Association

Parker County Bar Association, Past President

Texas Bar, President Elect, 2016

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